Saturday, February 15, 2020

Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Judicial System Research Paper

Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Judicial System - Research Paper Example Generally, racism may be considered as the social practice that apportions merits or attributes values to people who belong to groups that have been racially categorized exclusively based on the race they belong to (Mann and Zatz 3). There are about three different aspects associated with racism including personal prejudice: institutional racism that involves policies that operate to create differences between various races and ideological racism where biology and culture are the justification for the superior position of a dominant culture. One of the characteristics associated with institutionalized racism is petit apartheid which is a concept that entails hidden or informal interactions between police and minorities in a daily basis including various policing activities that could or could not lead to apprehension and subsequent entrance into the justice system. Petit apartheid has continued to be addressed recently hypothetically and also based on practices which could be include d in its range of definition with the emphasis of petit apartheid appearing to be attitudinal aspects that have an effect on policing and other choices in the system including beliefs and actions that are culturally biased such as rough treatment, insults and quality of judicial instructions along with other discretionary actions that may exist within the system.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Communication in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Communication in Business - Essay Example BMW conducts its business as a genuine professional and care for its customer with respect by assuming it as their responsibility. The professional behaviour of BMW reflects from their principles which are shown at their websites. BMW strictly respects the law of the country where it operates and maintains honesty and integrity towards the employees and stakeholders. BMW Group acknowledges the requirement for understanding the needs of different people of different culture while engaging with the local network. To effectively take up environmental responsibility and provide recommendations to local network, BMW Group executes efficient business practices to deal with the environment protection, decreases energy consumption, adopts energy saving measures and regenerates energy from waste. BMW Group implements resource conservation and environmental protection. The group evaluates all procedures and creates strategy and measures to reduce the utilisation of natural resources and environmental impact. BMW is well aware of the responsibility towards environment and thus their products of vehicle are designed in such a way that it causes less impact on the environment. BMW Group follows the philosophy of clean production and applies it in their international production units. BMW’s business actions are based on the principles of resource conservation and environmental protection. BMW had established environmental management system in their production units as well as planning sectors (BMW Group 2011). BMW Group continuously examines, evaluates and monitors the risk factors and also considers the global climate change. It had successfully established systems for reducing the emissions of CO2 and waste. BMW’s resource management develops solution to decrease the energy consumption and CO2 emission. In the year 2008, BMW had developed energy data management system which helped to record the consumption of energy in details (BMW Group 2011). BMW always strives to